The Final Chapter — Full Moon Sagittarius

Nicole Marie Astrology
4 min readMay 26, 2021

Do you first read the ending of a story?

Just to make sure that its worth your investment?

All your time and energy intensely reading each page, getting to know the characters and going through all their turmoils, bad mistakes, heartaches and deepest fears.

To make sure that even though you don’t know what the ending means but at least you know it won’t leave you angry, confused, abandoned or feeling incomplete.

Keeping you from throwing the book across the room and cursing at the publishing gods for torturing that author to ever write a single word.

No. None of you?

Just me?

Well how about a relationship or a job or a choice that you made that didn’t end the way you had hoped?

Would you have wanted to know before you ever married, got hired or choose something to know somehow, someday it would end?

If someone just would have told you or you were able to flip to that page for the final reveal.

Would it have saved you or made you change direction?

Of course, we never really know exactly how or when or where the inevitable ending will appear.

In many ways, its not about why things end or even how rather its what we do with the pages leading up to it and even after.

Is there a Final Chapter in need of your review?

Something to go back and edit in order for you to resubmit to the publisher?

Come with me now…

Take a deep breath.

Nothing to fear.

Don’t worry my dear.

I am here.

Take another breath.

Allow your body to be held by the ground below you.

Close your eyes.

Be here.

In the darkness, in the space between.

Imagine you are in a room.

You have been in this room before.

Take a look around.

What’s in there?

Is it a bedroom?

A kitchen?

A living room?

Is it outside on a porch, patio or balcony?

An office?

Is there someone in there with you?

Are you alone?

I want you to remember the very room that a ending took place.

It doesn’t have to be a big ending, allow it to be what it needs to be in this moment now.

Remember who is with you.

Place them in the room.

Where are you?

Next to them?

What emotion is present for you?

Now, stop for a moment.

Take a deep breath.

Remember you have already lived this before.

You are still alive and are okay.

This is your chance to remember it another way.

Knowing what you know now.

What would you do?

The ending stays the same but what YOU do can change.

Do you still need to speak your truth?

Instead of being silent, do you scream?

Instead of running away, do you stay?

Instead of trying to make it right, you turn to leave?

Do it now.

Take your time.

Stand up if you need to.

Get on your feet, walk it out.

Walk out the door.

Get up off the ouch.


Sit and listen.

Do what you need to do to have this be YOUR ending.

It is done.

The last page has been cast and you were the lead.

Now open your eyes.

What will you do today, in your new chapter?

Do you think if you could, would you want to know the ending of your life story?

Would it make a difference on your today or tomorrow?


Maybe not.

Something to remember, is that even when things end and everything that you knew before is gone, you do somehow live on.

Even after a marriage ends and your partner has erased you from the life you once knew, you live on.

In their thoughts, in songs, deep in their memories wrapped in DNA that will continue beyond the Final Chapter of their story and of yours.

After those jobs have run you along, you have imprinted and left your park on every employee.

And all the choices you make everyday, will leave marks in the dirt of this earth.

Remember even when a chapter ends, there is still a whole new book series to write, to live and to be continued….

Full Moon Prayer

May you never leave

this world


with no scars

or pieces shattered

all over the place.

May you always

take to the places

that call you.

May you always

choose the ones

that see you.

May you trust

the ones that

love you.

May you never

leave this earth

without feeling

the dirt between

your toes.

Full Moon Musings

You may never know your ending but what if, you could write it? What if you could write the last chapter of your own story? Not how or why you die, but what are you doing at the end of this life? After all the obstacles, challenges, heartbreaks and turmoil what do you celebrate and with whom? Take a moment under this Full Moon and write out your perfect happy ending. Maybe its just an ending to a current part of your life that you know needs to end. A habit, a relationship, a job or a daily choice. What do you do to celebrate? Write it out, play it out with loved ones, dance, sing, Do it ALL! When you feel at peace, rest deeply, breath and whisper “Blessed, Blessed, Blessed be”

Nicole Marie is a Storyteller + Astrologer sharing with others on how to become the storytellers of their own life. Join her on the Embodied Storytellers Podcast and learn more about her offerings at Nicole Marie Astrology



Nicole Marie Astrology

Nicole Marie is a Storyteller and Astrologer guiding people to become the storytellers of their own life.