Return to Innocence — Full Moon Gemini

Nicole Marie Astrology
4 min readNov 25, 2020

Its not the beginning to the end to your everlasting.

Rather, it is the entering.

It is allowing yourself to fall through the spiraling vortex of the unknown unsure of what awaits you on the other side.

In fact, there may be no other side….

What if, your falling into something undefined, with no walls or barriers but a landscape for your exploring?

Now its time…

Close your eyes and feel your body against the ground below you.

Notice your chest as air moves in and out of your lungs.

Feel your feet, wiggle your toes and notice how the ground holds you even now.

Bring your attention to your eyes as they peer into the darkness. There may be colors or figments of light but as you can tell it is mostly dark.

Now look beyond the light and notice the darkness.

Stay here for a few moments.

No where to go, no where to be, nothing to do.

Just starring into the infinite black light.

Notice, if any sensations in your body arise? Tingling, heaviness, exhaustion, excitement?

Without any judgement, just take notice of what comes alive in this dark void between time, between breaths.


Be Still.


Now I invite you to take notice of a passing speck of light and focus your attention to it.

When you do this, what happens? Does it become still, does it dance around you? Does it weave in and out of focus? Does it fly away, never to be seen again?

Begin to notice all the other specks of light and how they begin to fill the black spaces.

Do you see any colors?

Spend a moment here observing the variety of shapes, colors, and movement of light floating in the darkness just before your eyes.

Now I invite, you to gently flutter your eyes open and look around.

Does it look a bit different, more colorful, are your eyes sensitive to other light?

Begin to explore this place, as if it is your first time arriving here. Allowing yourself to be curious, to wonder and question this new landscape before you.

Allow yourself to enter this space, as if you were born to this very moment.

What if nothing ever really ends?

That everything is part of this cyclical weaving in and out of the cosmic tapestry and our human life, is but a pause to take a moment to marvel at what has already been threaded.

And that single pause is an entire life time.

So much of who we were has been left behind and so much of who we thought we wanted to be can no longer live.

This is where the magical child enters this unknown landscape and begins to explore with open eyes.

Its thread is tightly wrapped around its heart, so it can never be lead to far from home which is why it can be free, unbound and courageous to be curious of what lurks in deep untapped waters.

Become the magical child and explore this new landscape in a world that YOU want to belong too.

Full Moon Prayer

Come here to me,

with your heart

tethered to all that was,

and all that ever will be.

Come be with me,

in this place

where the everything grows

and dig up your courageous soul.

Come and be

you and me

in the land of infinite possibilities

where magic was born

under the Mother Tree.

Full Moon Musings

Its time to let the Magical Child enter your heart and mind. I invite you to have your Magical Child to write you a letter. Let this part of you tell you about how they think about your life, how you spend your day, your thoughts, feelings and relationships. Allow them to show you your life through their eyes. Maybe they have wisdom to share with you, perhaps suggestions on how to be more alive, embodied and courageous with your heart. Listen and learn from them and when finished read it out loud to yourself. Ask them if there is something you could do in your life that would make them happy. Write it down on your daily to do list and keep your promise. For together you will explore and recreate your magical life.

Nicole Marie is a Transformation Speaker + Teacher sharing with others on how to become the storytellers of their own life. Join her on the Embodied Storytellers Podcast for weekly sessions of guided meditations, ritual storytelling, archetypal intention setting and community gathering of global minds.



Nicole Marie Astrology

Nicole Marie is a Storyteller and Astrologer guiding people to become the storytellers of their own life.