Remembering the Dream — New Moon Taurus

Nicole Marie Astrology
4 min readMay 11, 2021

Do you remember?

How it all began?

Not just you but everything. All the cells, atoms, fungi, plants, species, elements, cosmos, stars and the unseen.

That once upon a dream, there was something and that something became you, me and everything.

What if your memory of the beginning is the key to your new becoming?

Instead of trying to see into the unknown potential future of all the ifs, butts and not yet realities that all you have to do is remember.

Impossible you say?

Why bother, you mutter?

How could I, you whisper?

Come with me now, not to a time but a place.

Take a deep breath.

Close your eyes.

Get comfortable.

Allow your body to be supported and to relax against a hard surface.

You will be traveling but you are already packed.

Take another deep breath.

Your muscles begin to melt.

Your spine held.

Focus on the darkness behind your eyelids.

Keep breathing.

Gentle and slow.

Trust that your heart will keep beating.

Imagine yourself standing on the dark side of the moon staring down at the earth.

Noticing all its blues and greens, massive moving clouds and lights illuminating from all the major cities of the world.

Begin to imagine, that the earth begins to move backwards, in reverse at a time warping speed.

Within seconds, all the lights have disappeared.

What use to be colorful landmasses are now white and the bright blues are dark.

Continents begin to shift.

Distant volcanoes exploding boiling hot lava across the globe.

Now its just a big blue ball.

Then a spinning mass of white clouds.

The moon you are standing on begins to shrink.

You are now moving at the speed of light towards this large floating rock.

All the planets and stars begin swirl and disappear all around you.

You feel your body tensing and preparing for impact.

Hold your breath.

Keep holding.

A little bit more.

Now exhale everything out.

Allow your body to relax again.

Breath normally.

You survived the impact and are now standing on this newly formed planet.

All around you appears to be air.

As if you filled this place with your entire exhale.

A floating particle dances before your eyes.

Once again, time begins to unfold before you.

As life begins to grow from that very tiny particle.

What is the very next thing you see?

And the next?

Don’t try to think what could have been, just begin to see.

And what comes after that?

Where are you standing now?

What is around you? Who is there with you?

What comes next?

And after that?

And then?

What is different now?

What has changed from the first particle you saw until now?

Now look at what has been created from that particle.

What comes next?

And after that?

What now?

Is anyone there with you?

What do they notice?

Together, what do you see?

Now imagine yourself standing at the roots of a tree that is larger than life.

All you can see is its long trunk and its lowest branch is barely visible from the moving clouds above you.

Notice who is there with you. Animals, plants, species and maybe another human?

Turn around and notice the environment of this place.

You are standing at another beginning of another era in a mythological time that tells the story of humankind.

Take a deep breath.

And another.

Wiggle your toes.

Open your eyes and notice the place in which you are now in this moment and just for a minute grasp all the creation that has taken place in order for you to exist….right now.

This is your beginning in another era of your own becoming.

And how you imagine all the things that come next, is simply going back and remembering how you got where you are now.

Creation is not linear, it is a ever moving spiral dancing in and out of what was and what is, hoping to become something.

You are the very something that creation has been dreaming since the very beginning.


New Moon Prayer

Behold, the only

living story

of becoming

the something

that everything

has been dreaming

of knowing

when the new beginning

changes the endings.

New Moon Musings

In all your imaginings on this journey, how far did you think you got until you realized you were still only at another beginning? Write down all the things you imagined. Even if they seem unrealistic, or not even impossible in this reality. Just practice trusting these images, sensations or insights and giving them a name. If you don’t want to write it out, sketch it, draw it, collage it. Make it become visible. Notice how you observe evolution. Notice how things progressed or didn’t. Now for a moment, go out underneath the dark sky and notice the stars and for as long as it takes go through your own evolution. Allowing your memory to unfold like a movie screen from your first memory to how you got where you are standing today. Is there something you remember that you loved and want to bring back to your self today? Spend this next season of your time of earth dedicating your life to this thing that you love. Keep your images of the world’s evolution and create your own set of images of how you have evolved through time as a reminder. Blessed be, Now and Forever.

Nicole Marie is a Storyteller + Astrologer sharing with others on how to become the storytellers of their own life. Join her on the Embodied Storytellers Podcast and learn more about her offerings at Nicole Marie Astrology



Nicole Marie Astrology

Nicole Marie is a Storyteller and Astrologer guiding people to become the storytellers of their own life.