In the Ending is the Beginning — New Moon Scorpio

Nicole Marie Astrology
5 min readNov 4, 2021
Everything is born from the darkness.

This is the time of year, when things end…

and the living landscape of all that has fallen away is weighted with our heavy footsteps stomping towards unknown beginnings.

It is when hope goes to rest, either burying its self deep under the rotten maple leaves or seeping down the roots of the drenched oak tree.

What has been harvested has been stowed away, eaten or given back and now all that is left is to listen.

Under this dark moon, celebrates the Lunar Samhain when the invisible ones whisper and call to us to pay attention.

To turn away from what has been known and to questions.

To turn away from the light or what can be seen but instead to go underneath.

The Old Crone sits with us, closer to our dreamworld feeding us images of what has been kept hidden and what needs tending in our hours of deep sleep.

In this time of darkness, comes our greatest gifts.

Here in the silence do you find your resilience.

Here in the stillness, where the nothingness lives can you truly surrender to the co-creation of new beginnings.

I’m afraid to tell you, that your time has not yet come.

However strong and certain you may feel about going out and getting it all done. There is something more that has not yet come into sight, into knowing that requires a deeper longing.

Up until now, you have been sitting in a deep dark cave, in the land of Nothingness. Not knowing what was up or down, right or wrong but aware that everything is gone.

I invite you now, to feel your body moving through the darkness. Feeling the cold ground below, perhaps damp from the tears that have been shed or the ice melted from your inner heart that now lays between your toes.

Your ears suddenly hear a loud sound coming from somewhere in front or behind you. It echos all around and because you have not heard or known sound before it shocks your entire body.

Another and another, like a rhythm echoing from every corner.

Moving not too fast but not too slow, your eyes begin to make out a dancing light beckoning around a corner.

The walls begin to sparkle, like they were made of stardust leading towards a spinning galaxy up ahead.

As you turn the corner, a large cauldron filled with water sits tucked into the end of the cave.

Drops fall from the ceiling and land on the surface rippling the familiar sound that was echoing through the chambers.

The water draws you in as you now stand in front of this life size cauldron. As your eyes take hold of the dancing surface it begins to spiral into a galaxy of stars and every color.

At the center is a black hole.

Your eyes get sucked into the vast darkness, no longer able to look away.

When suddenly everything stops.

There is only you and the infinite dark light.

It begins to whisper to you, the very thing you long for, what you have always longed for.

A single image emerges, that means something but only to you.

These words, sounds and images begin to dance in front of you and in your next inhale get sucked into your body.

Your eyes close and can now see your cells from the inside turning different colors, letters falling into your blood stream and images being itched into your bones.

Your hands fall on your belly and heart, taking in long deep breaths and each exhale a sigh of relief.

As your eyes open, the cauldron is now empty and everything has turned to black once again.

But now, the light and colors and stardust shine on your skin and illuminates the path ahead.

You have turned into the light.

You have engulfed, received and replenished the very thing that has kept you searching in the darkness.

Now its time to continue the journey.

To discover what is left in your cave of wonders, to gather any tools, images, messages or gifts that are waiting for you before you re-enter.

Only in the land of Nothingness can you find the Something that gives you back meaning for the journey ahead.

New Moon Prayer

Honor those who have walked before you,

Bless those who walk beside you,

Dream of the path for those who will walk again.

New Moon Musings

We all of a black hole living inside us. The thing that whispers in the darkness, the one that grabs are wounded hearts and cries out to be heard. It is where our longing lives, the very thing that we search for our entire existence. Sometimes it feels like a cruel punishment or a cosmic joke at the end of a punch line. The something we can never really have or obtain and are constantly wishing for on every shooting star.

Let me tell you this, the very thing you long for, is the very thing you already are and it is in the process of becoming it that tells who you are.

So what is it that you long for? Tell me who you are. Speak to that deep dark hole swirling in the cauldron “what is it that my soul longs for?” Explore the images and words that come to your awareness and write it down, dance it out and speak it into the mirror, to see if it reflects back at you. What if the longing, is not the thing that you obtain in the end of your story but what if it is the very something that is inside you that’s always with you on your journey? Let this longing be your companion, give it a name, a face, a hand so it may hold yours the entire way.

Nicole Marie is a Storyteller+ Astrologer sharing with others on how to become the storytellers of their own life. Join her on the Nicole Marie Astrology for guided meditations, ritual storytelling, archetypal intention setting and transformational journeys.



Nicole Marie Astrology

Nicole Marie is a Storyteller and Astrologer guiding people to become the storytellers of their own life.